Sunday, April 03, 2005

FrieNZ (Part II)

In addition to Graf's many fine friends, the Auckland Massive was represented by myself, ex-transplants Satoko and Yusuke, and his flatmate Zane. Yusuke's GF Manami and Satoko's friend Lisa were also witness to the festivites and shenanigans. Plenty of eating and drinking ensued, with much conversation of both frivolous and hilarious nature. Only one casualty was observed, and a temporary one at that: Chinatsu - with more red wine in her than blood - was taken to a cell and coaxed into having a nap.

We were in part celebrating Graf's approaching birthday, so it was nice to catch up with his crowd on his home turf. Mine is always the worst level of Japanese ability there, so it's a great environment for me to be in. A kick in the pants to remind me that one day I want not to be worst Japanese speaker in the room. (I could just wait until Zeal visits next I suppose ...)

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