Sunday, March 27, 2005

Shootin' star

Last weekend Satoko went to South Korea with a friend. Shopping seems to have been the main reason for the trip, though I doubt there's much there that can't be bought here in Tokyo somewhere. Stuff's mostly made in Korea or China anyway. She did, however, have some photographs taken - one of which is posted above.

The name of the shop was Star Shots, and I suppose I must congratulate the Photoshopographer. Satoko is much happier with this photo than the last one I posted. It serves to remind us that gritty, unfiltered samples of the real world often jar our sensibilities. Like listening to a playback of your own voice. In particular, it reminds me of a photo prepared for FHM. Rollover (with the mouse) to see just how much deception there is these days in image media.

Anyway, I'll be trying to up my posting average from the current once a month!